Sharkosaurus Rampage

Scientists are crazy! The game Sharkosaurus Rampage begins, an escape from scientists who are trying to create a dangerous species by combining the DNA of sharks and dinosaurs!

What awaits me when I play Sharkosaurus Rampage?

Sharkosaurus Rampage is a different action game with unique simulation and three-dimensional graphics with 3D physics base.

Be prepared for an exciting escape. All kinds of obstacles will appear in front of you in the game. No caving. Our goal is to help the Sharkosaurus escape and prevent this fraud. Guide the Sharkosaurus to get rid of all obstacles. Swallow the armed men in the lab in one bite. Fight with armored vehicles, military cars, tanks, helicopters, ATVs, monster trucks, jet planes and even a huge dragon monster. It's a tough fight, isn't it? Destroy all the mechanisms that will prevent your escape from the laboratory. Get laser guns and bullets inside the boxes. Activate the mechanisms for activating the stairs and doors. Our scary character is waiting for your help. Give him courage and help him escape. Time will pass very quickly in the game, which consists of 16 different sections and different obstacles, and you will not notice when you reach the end of the section.
There is action, excitement, fun, escape in the Sharkosaurus Rampage game! You don't want to be left out of this fun, do you? Then click and start the fun!

Who can play Sharkosaurus Rampage? Is it suitable for children?

Players of all ages who like escape games can play Sharkosaurus Rampage. This game is suitable for children and is not blocked.

Is the Sharkosaurus Rampage game played at school unblocked?

You can play with friends at home, alone, at school or on the street. If you are at school, do not forget to ask permission from your teacher. If you are at home, you will enjoy it much more if you play it after you finish your study. If you are on the street, go to a safe place where you can relax and invite your friends to this unique race.

What does the Sharkosaurus Rampage bring me?

Strengthens reflexes, improves hand-eye coordination and concentration. It strengthens your ability to make the right movements at the right time with fast movements when necessary.

How to play Sharkosaurus Rampage on the web and mobile?

The game can only be played on the Web. Move with the WASD or Arrow keys. Make moves by clicking the left mouse button. Hold down the left mouse button to shoot.

Can I play Sharkosaurus Rampage online and for free on my computer?

Of course! You can play the game without having to download it. Play the game using your keyboard and mouse. Even playing in full-screen mode is much more enjoyable.


Put an end to this fraud! Become a partner in the challenging challenge of the Sharkosaurus Rampage game! Let the action-packed fight begin!